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Beards for Koby

On January 12th, 2015 Koby Lovelady was diagnosed with Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia (Type B-All Leukemia). Koby started treatment the very next day, and undergoing aggressive treatment currently. This fundraiser aimed to aide in the medical expenses for the family. Every penny earned went directly to the family, nothing at all was kept by the organizers or the donators. 

If the goal was met, Dan Good (Owner/Operator of GoodBeards Beard Oil) would shave off his entire beard to thank you all for your generosity.

Dan even let Koby decide how to shave the beard, and if he wants he can take the first whack at it.

On April 12th, 2015, with the help of the communities of Des Moines, Indianola and the surrounding area, the Bearded Brethren facial hair club, Shawn’s Barber Parlor of Indianola and GoodBeards Beard Care raised just over $2,000 for the Lovelady family and Dan let Koby shave his beard as promised. This is the journey back to being a bearded man, using nothing but GoodBeards Beard Care. 



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