No Beard?

I don’t have a beard, so what would I use Beard Oil for? (HINT: NOT JUST FOR BEARDS!)

I rub it in my scalp, I use it on my face, dry skin areas and it could even be used for pre and post shave if you are not a full bearded gent. Want to smell great and feel refreshed? Throw on some Citrus Knock-out, it will wake you up and get you ready to tackle anything the day can throw at you. Want to feel like royalty and pamper yourself (don’t lie guys sometimes it is nice to feel like a king), douse your mane with The KingMaker and watch the magic happen.

Do you have issues with any of the following?

  • Itchy / Irritated Skin
  • In-Grown hairs
  • Dryness

Our beard oil is made from 100% pure GrapeSeed, Vitamin E and Apricot Kernal oil. The benefits of all of these is they are all-natural moisturisers for your skin and hair. The oils we use contain anti-inflammatory and moisturising properties for the skin and hair. And you have the added benefit of smelling amazing while preventing irritated skin and in-grown hairs!

  • Have rough dry, chapped hands? Rub in a dime size drop of oil and your skin will thank you, I promise. It is useful for hands, elbows, knees, face, arms and even doubles as a down right delicious massage oil.

All Natural ingredients means you can’t really go wrong. BUT IT IS FOR TOPICAL USE ONLY!!! The reason for this is there are some essential oils that in excess can cause stomach irritation (which as you can imagine would be counter-intuitive to the reason you are using it).


  • Rub it in your eyes. (amazing but true, essential oils are not to be used for contact solution or to cure dry, red eyes)
  • Drink it. (It might smell delicious, but I can’t say that the outcome would be all that pleasing)
  • Use more than you really need (Generally a dime size or smaller amount rubbed in to your hands first is the best practice here)


  • Be prepared to have your personal space violated a little (It is natural, when something smells pleasing it attracts attention)
  • Be smart (As said above, it is TOPICAL use only, that means EXTERNAL SKIN, don’t get too liberal with it and go overboard!)
  • Be handsome, proud and confident (When you smell and feel great, people take notice)